"Look at me. Look at me!", her sister insisted forcefully. Despite the volume of the request, it was pushed down, almost silenced by the chaos going on in her body and brain. At any moment she would succumb to the pain which surged through her; she was surprised she hadn't already. But then that nagging command to look subtly interrupted her thoughts, like a rock in the rapids, a rock which she perhaps could hold onto and keep herself from drowning. At last, drawing upon all the strength she had, and with a long, trembling breath, she willed her rolling eyes to stillness and they focused on her sister's intense stare.
"Keep looking. Don't look away. You can do this. You are doing this." She had a good grasp on the rock now. She was still very much affected by the rapids - they beat upon her as they had been for hours. But as long as she kept looking at those big eyes staring into hers, at least she wouldn't go under again. She could breathe. She began to breathe and breathe and breathe. She breathed hope and strength and love down throughout her body, surrounding the baby that would soon take a first breath on its own. She breathed the support of her sister into her mind, where it calmed the storm within if only for a moment. She breathed the grace of her Savior into her wings and soared until --
An entirely new sound pierced the air. A sound too beautiful to believe. The baby was finally here, making herself known to all within earshot.
"Mary has a sister!"
It was the first sentence I ever heard.
Originally posted on my other blog 16 September 2020
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